Tiffin Columbian Class of 1983
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Scott Anspach
After high school I went to the University of Dayton for my B.S. in Exercise Science. Then I traveled around the U.S. from the east coast, N.J. to the west coast CA and WA and many places in between on a gov't project for a little over a year. I saw more places in that year that I would have thought possible. San Francisco, LA, Seattle/Mt Rainier, Vancouver, San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, Corpus Christi, NYC, and much more. Then I went on to grad school at the University of GA for Adult Fitness/Cardiac Rehab. Spent some time in Columbus where my wife of 16 years and I started our own health and fitness business. We then moved to our current home in Durham, NC where we have been since 1999. We have had the business for almost 15 years working with companies and recently opening our own fitness facility. When we are not working we like to go to the mountains and the beach to relax. Sorry to miss the reunion this time.
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