The whole gang
Thank You for coming! See you at the 30th!
Don, Micki and Dave
We packed GWs Friday night!
This picture says it all....
Kelly lighter than air
You just don't see this everyday!
¡Ay, caramba!
Troy getting ready to tee off
Yes sir officer Horn, my hands are up...or is Don doing the chicken dance because he couldn't make it past the women's tee?
Deniz looking good
Another shot for the 18 & Over page!
Mike, Bob, Shelly, Tim (Mr. Seitz), Rod
Wendy & Mike
Wendy, Mike and Trace
Dave, Tim, Mike and Liliana
Mark, Chuck, Dave & Dave
"Mama Mia! Here we go again..."
Sheila & Becky
....what a coincidence...Dave and Dave at the same "convention" as Dr. Pete Anderson! LOL!!
Ann & Rod dancin' the night away
awwww!! Rod & Trace
Mike and Tracey
GIRL, boy
Oh Micki you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind, HEY MICKI!!
Foxy Ladies! Sue, Tracey, Judy, Keyli, Carrie, Wendy, Susan, and Micki
Happy Anniversary Sue & Pat!!
Introducing the Class of 83 Glee Club: Chuck, Dave, Dave & Pete
wooooo! woooooooooooo!
Smokin Hot
What is dripping from Mark's head?!! LOL!!
Is that a gang sign?
Tim and his bride Liliana
What happens at the reunion STAYS AT THE REUNION!! LOL!!
Sue & Pete
Trace and Ann "gettin' jiggy with it"
Dale, Dave, Bob, Don and Rich
Jeff, Dave, Don and Rod
Dave talking to Jeff " have a gray hair!"
Damian...look out for Mark's back swing! Troy...did you get it all? Kevin looking quite dapper on Saturday morning.
Sharon, Shell, Tami, Amy and Dave
Mark and Dave
Sharon, Mark and Shell
Shelll, Fred, Tami and Shell
Shell, Shell and Sharon
Shell and Bill
Tami and Shell
Shell and Tammy
Jim (I think, just kidding Jim), Tammy, Theresa and Shell
Shell, Sharon, Amy, Shell and Tami
Tracy, Shell, Tami, Sharon and Wendy
Mark and Mikki
Conol at it again, or still
Pete, Don, Tim, Dale, Todd, Mark - The football guys
Mark, Chuck, Dave, Don and Dave
Amy, Shell, Theresa, Sharon, Tami and Shell
Pete and Troy
Tami and Pete
Ann, Dave, Shell, Pete, Tami, Shell and Wendy
Mindy, Michelle & Natalie
Kevin, Melody & Lea
Chuck, Rich (Dale & Barry in back)
Barb & Ann
Mark & Michelle (Todd & Russ in back)
Janelle, Sue & Kim
Bill, Kelly & Jeff
Football crew: Pete, Chuck, Don, Tim, Dale, Todd & Mark
Kim, Deb & Connie
Gayla & Mike
Barry and Don
Mark and Doug
Hmmm......could it be the Radio City Rockettes?
Mark, There is a pattern here.......
Mark and Linc
Deb and her husband Doug
....the next day....barely a trace!
Dave with his family!
Yes I can...No you can't...Yes I can.....No you can't....Yes I can, Yes I Can, YES I CAN!....(Okay Don, you win!)
Dave and his boy
Don, Mark and Pete
...give me more beer!
Kevin and his wife caught me with my mouth open!
Ann and Tobey
Don and Pete
More sauce anyone? girls are still looking very fine!
Tami and Rod checking in.
Why thank you...yes I'll have another beer!
Tobey and Kim
Now that's a hog! All 147 lbs. of it!
Ann, Bill, Tobey, and Deb
Dale talking to he getting ideas for the 30th?
Rich and Mark talking about the good old days!
Don's thinking......Bill, I wish I could swing like you!
Nice clubs!
Look at the ball....look at the ball....damn I missed!
Where did my ball go?
Amy and Micki
Jim & Mrs. Jim :)
Cheers Russ!
Troy & his wife
Gayla & Lisa
Kim & her husband
Tom and MaryJane
Diane, Lorrie & Robin
Mindy & Jeff
Fred & Tami
Saturday morning golf crew; Rod, Jeff, Mark, Barry, Tim, Damian, Bill, Troy, Don, Dave and Kevin.
Mike & Pete
Nice moves Pete!
Wendy...the rabbit ears are suppose to go behind Tracy's head!
....I'm soooooooo happy!
The morning after....yes I'll take more coffee...please!
Rod and Jeff with Rod's wife Sara, and Jeff's girlfriend.
Bonnie & Rod
Tracy and Deniz
Looks painful for Kelly
Lisa and Tami
Mark, you've done this before haven't you?
Teresa, Fred & Beth
Rene & Katrina
Bill and Mike!
Bring it on!
Katrina's private party
Katrina.....why is Mark smiling??
Ann & Kelly making sure they got the shots of Mark :) are the man!
Deniz says "Bring it on"
Wendy, Gayla, Marsha & Lisa - girls nite out
Troy, Can you give me a ride to Cleveland?
Will you love me forever? Let me sleep on it...
Partying all night. really are the Dancing Queen!
The Rockettes!
Take me home beautiful!
Hi Barb!
One, Two,, two, three.....
Kelly and Bonnie
"I can see the paradise by the dashboard lights!!!"
Chuck, Love the smile!
I get knocked down................. I get up again:)
Remember was for birds!
Mike,Tami and Dave
The Gang
Our old stamping ground
Talking at the game
Group at the game
Just a little excited!
Yep, it's Brian! aka....Teddy
Who are you?
Filling the entrance way
Just one more :)
Let's have a shot!
Mark starting his moves!
Trying to steal credit cards!
Okay....another shot
Is that Tim?
How many flavors did you want to try?
Okay...just one more Natalie!
I think we all had to many shots :)
Oh Mark.....
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